
Saturday 26 October 2013

Chapter 5 : Individual Statement

I used to think that I know what kampong life is since I grew up in a new village in Perak. I realize I was wrong after my first visit to Kampung Dusun Tua. My own kampong was greatly influence by the city life and culture while this Malay kampong we visited shows me the primeval side kampong. The serene surrounding of the kampong has the ability to make me feel relax and forget about the hustle and bustle of city. The villagers are friendly to strangers like us. Their warmth make me question what happen to the people living in city, only show friendliness to those whom might bring benefit them.

On our second visit, we were divided into groups to prepare various foods such as dodol, lemang, ketupat and rendang a day before Hari Raya Haji. My group is in charge in cooking dodol. The process of making a simple dessert like dodol is not easy. We took turn stirring the dodol 5 hours continuously to make sure the dodol taste like and look like what it should. Luckily our hard work pays off. The next day, all of us can’t stop smiling, enjoying the foods cooked by every group.

I think the kampong should remain traditional because the number of kampongs is reducing significantly. If all kampongs go through modernization, the uniqueness of kampong will become fable with no proof of its existence. Kampong’s value that should be appreciated and practice are their culture and friendliness. Besides, when one visits a kampong, a wave of nostalgia will sweep over especially when they saw their childhood home.

In my opinion, kampong is a significant identity of Malaysian architecture. The kampong house tells a lot about Malaysian culture. For example, the space usage inside a kampong house shows Malaysian daily routine inside a house. The use of gable roof for most of the kampong houses indirectly shows the identity of Malaysia as a country with hot and humid tropical climate. Lastly, the excellent natural ventilation of kampong houses became an important reference for designing buildings with natural ventilation.

It is my hope that the government will come up with an idea of having reserved kampong, just like the very existence of reserved forest to let Malaysian appreciate the beauty of Malaysian Kampung.

By, Vivien.

Basically, I am suburban teenager who is not really exposed to a pure traditional Malay Kampung life. All this while I have only seen and heard of them through books and websites although I have seen Malay Kampung (s) numerous times, usually while travelling through trunk roads, I somehow got taken aback to know what an authentic Kampung life is about. To me, it is quite embarrassing to be Malaysian but not actually knowing in depth about how it feels like to embrace the traditional Malay Kampung Life.

There is no doubt that it is both difficult and exciting to actually endure the cultural shock of trying to live just like the village folks, to actually blend in with them and to control your macho especially when seeing or doing something that might be your first time. Frankly speaking, my first visit to the Kampung during the fasting month was somewhat more tolerant than the recent second visit during the Hari Raya Qurban which is also known as the Feast of Sacrifice. This is because the second visit actually made me see how cooperative the Kampung Folks actually are. Their close relationship to one another is similar to a jubilant big family, easily outshining the conventional neighbourhood bond seen in cities’ or suburban’s residence.

Never had I seen such a residential community being so committed in ensuring success for a group event. Regardless of their age and gender, it is evident that each Kampung folk gave their very best, leading to a smooth flowing of the preparations. To a certain extent, I observed that their high spirited persona had us guests baptised as well with most of us enjoying the true meaning of “gotong-royong”. It was such a conducive environment where everybody was exhausted but the most of them flashed a smile on their face, a clear indication that a wonderful accomplishment has been achieved and there is a feeling of satisfaction.

Although I helped out on the preparation for just one day, I do feel the intensity of the atmospheric determination and cooperation among the Kampung folks, an aspect which I adored every much. Hence, I would like to strengthen the point that traditional Malay Kampung should be preserved the way there are as there are plenty of unique traditions and upbringing within their social life that separates them from the city folks. They might not be loaded in cash but their contentment and unity is the key towards happy daily life. Even their vernacular architecture is so functional, evidently designed based on the needs of the villagers. Some examples, include the breathable properties of the Kampung house materials, besides being elevated on studs to either bear with flooding or to allow it to be carried to a different site according to the desire of the owner. Even the dimensions of the house is based on the chief housewife, a very unique adaptation.

There is no need for this irreplaceable and well defined traditional community and hamlet to be modernized like the rest of Malaysia. Although it is good to sometimes embrace change tow ards a more advanced state of living, this is exceptional for the traditional Malay village. In fact, Malaysia will even be more culturally enriched if we retain the lifestyle and architecture of this traditional Malay Kampung. Their presence enable us to see how much our beloved motherland has actually progressed towards modernization as Malaysia was once occupied with much more of these traditional Malay Kampung. Now with their amounts rapidly decreasing in today’s globalized world to make way for modernization, we should learn to appreciate the existing ones even more. Thus, proactive measures need to be taken to ensure that these unique possessions can be preserve for the future generations to appreciate.

By, Frederick.

Once arrived at the kampung, a friendly welcome from the villagers. Breakfast were prepared for us. On the first day, started doing cooking preparation for the upcoming event. Giving hands to rendang ayam group with the cleaning of the chicken meat. At 11am, started cooking of dodol. Learned the ingredient from a friendly uncle. It is important to keep watch to ensure the fire continues to burn when stirring dodol. Dodol is a kind of cake made ​​of glutinous rice flour mixture, palm sugar and coconut milk. The purity of the taste and quality of the resulting dodol can be distinguished by the taste itself. Anyhow, now that the mixture or the recipes of dodol has been modernized with a variety of flavors including pandan and cooked until it becomes elastic. After done preparing the dodol, we did cleaning the hall and rearranging tables and chairs for the event. Once all the foods are done prepared, begin tasting it. By 7.30 p.m., had a safe ride back to UCSI North Wing.

A kampung has its own tradition as it is one of the Malaysian architecture. The construction method and materials used including the layouts are all based from natural resources. A kampung was built by people in the past that even without architecture education, but creativity and experiences of traditional people to come up with a unique architecture style. Culture also has a great influence on the appearance of buildings, as occupants often decorate buildings in accordance with local customs and beliefs. I do think that the kampung is a significant identity of the Malaysian architecture.

By, Brendan.

I could remember my goodbye party in Iran before I came to Malaysia. I was so excited and worry because it was my first experience to live alone without my family. I haven’t thought that I could live in Malaysia for more than 2 years. But now…….

I’m here in Malaysia in 5 years with lots of friend who was helping me during these years. I have got lots of nice memory with them. In University also I have got different experiences but Kampung was very new and also one of the excited part of my life in Malaysia.

When we arrived to the site I didn’t have any group member and friends in History class. I was so upset. I didn’t know anybody but finally my friend helped me to find very nice group member. I wasn’t strange between them. They helped me a lot to understand about Malay culture and buildings. Although we had to walk along distance but I haven’t been tired during time which I spend with them and Kampung family.

In Kampung I have had been familiar with new family. I couldn’t speak Bahasa but sometimes my friends help me to understand what they say. It was interesting to me that I saw they’ve never closed the house doors and children all play together without anybody to take care about them. This shows that all people in this part are known each other and trust together which is very valuable in my view.

And Malay house was so cute and got simple construction but they try to furniture the house as modern as possible. Around the house was lot of trees. I really like there. Live in nature give me very good mood.

Finally about our ceremony there, unfortunately I couldn’t participate to cook Malay Foods but I could have participate in washing all dishes this is another excited part which I haven’t had before.By the way I could learn about the difficult name of foods and could say that foods taste was really delicious. Thanks all.

By, Shima.

Melissa (Centre) with Vivien and Jennifer (Right and left)
I was born in the city, Petaling Jaya. Unlike most of my highschool classmates who go back to their hometown every festive season, my family and i go on vacations instead. Hence, I have very little exposure to a village life. These few days of kampong experience have been very interesting to me.
Firstly, is the kind mak cik who welcomed us into her house so openly and warm. Its heartwarming to see how the kampong people living so harmoniously together, having a simple and peaceful life. They are always contented with the things they have and are easily pleased and happy. Despite having little education, they are instilled with great moral value and highly respect every person. It is not difficult to see the humility in them.

Another interesting experience is definitely the cooking part. Being in the dodol making team was a very interesting experience. Never knew a small little sugar-loaded dessert is so tedious to make. Still could not believe that our team has stirred 5 hours continuously to produce this dodol. Amazing, I am curious who and how this dodol thing is invented. Seeing the other teams working together with all the sweat and effort is also very encouraging. Despite having to rush assignments and all during the assessment period, everyone still participated in the event and actually enjoyed the process. Wow, you can photoshop a photo but a true smile won’t lie.

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It was fun to finally enjoy the meal we spent whole day cooking. This is a fun experience for me.
I think that the kampong should remain traditional in the sense of culture and manners. The overall aura and atmosphere in the village is very friendly and warm. However, in the sense of facilities, the kampong can be modernized so that the living quality of the villagers can be improved and better hygiene can be adapted.

I think the kampong is definitely a significant identity of Malaysian architecture. Architecture doesn’t only represented by the building alone, but is integrated with the culture, social and its surrounding. Other than the passive design of a malay house, the social and culture of the kampong definitely are important treasures of Malaysia. 

By, Melissa

Kean Jie
To me, the kampung experience was not unfamiliar to me as i grew up in a small town of Bangi Lama where my family has a number of connections with Malay families. It is no surprise that my fluency in Bahasa flabbergasted many as they would ask if I'm a malay. Being in a kampung only reminds me of the all the fun you can have. There would be clean rivers, tonnes of trees you can climb and you could chase your friends across the fields. However, being in Kampung Dusun Tua, little did changed as the time goes by. Streets are paved, houses are built with bricks and concrete, and the trees seems a little lesser. But one thing for sure that did not change is the spirit of the community here. We assured of that during our visit to Mak Cik Norimah's house who greeted us warmly though we were strangers. Mak Cik showed us around her traditional Malay house, explained to us about Malay culture and even shared her stories in the kampung.  This is would not be possible in the city as people would doubt each other. Mak Cik truly deserve our upmost gratitude for her trust in us.

Moving on the Hari Raya Aidil Adha preparations, it was tiring. Beforehand, our kampung gang raised a little fundraising event to help bear the cost of the event. It was not much but we did our best and contributed as much as we can. During the dodol cooking session, it was just continuous stirring and stirring. Anyway, it was a great experience and also exercise to replace the gym sessions.

In my opinion, the kampung should not be modernised like the rest of the city. It should remain traditional as modern technologies are easily accessible. The kampung and modern city can coexist in harmony, complementing one another. The technologies to increase work efficiency in the kampung and the tranquility of kampung in the city.

The kampung is a treasure that is significant to Malaysia. The architecture is unique and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Behind the architecture style, is the spirit of the community that bring the kampung together. A true kampung with traditional Malay architecture should be entitled heritage status similarly to other places in Malaysia.

By, Kean Jie

Friday 25 October 2013

Chapter 4 : Hari Raya At Kampung

 After a few weeks of zealous preparations for the Hari Raya Aidilfitri, due to the unevitables, the celebration was postponed to Hari Raya Aidil Adha or also known as Hari Raya Ha on the 15th of October 2013.

-        The preparation for Hari Raya Haji is not as easy as expected.  Every dishes requires more than 4 hours in total which includes preparation and cooking.

-        Hari Raya Haji is a day for the muslim to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah’s command to sacrifice his son Ishmael. It is also known as a Feast of Sacrifice. In the morning of the Haji day, the Muslims will perform a sacrifice using Cow, which is called Korban. We were fortunate to witness the ceremony in one of the mosque near to the Kampung Batu 16.

-        Cows are contributed by families who volunteered to sponsor the cows. The cows are then hung up high and the Korban will begin. The animals are slaughtered with proper religion rites and then the meat are weighed and distributed evenly to the visitors, villagers and also to the poor. Villagers will also gather together for lunch after the ceremony, having food like Lemang, Rendang, Dodol and Kuihs.  It is a day of celebration and gathering for the villagers.

The gang visited Kampung Dusun Tua once again on the 14th of October 2013, a day before the celebration, to “bergotong-royong” with the villagers to cook variety of traditional Malay dishes such as Rendang Daging, Rendang Ayam, Ketupat, Lemang and Dodol. It was indeed a new a experience for us to cook, and further more, to cook for the whole kampung. That’s pretty much a lot of people.

The day began when we departed from UCSI University North Wing at 830am, crusing along the multilevel buildings of the city. Buildings after buildings, they all seem to lesser, and more greenery along the road. We knew we are reaching Kampung Dusun Tua.

Kampung Dusun Tua Multipurpose Hall
We arrived in the Kampung Dusun Tua Multipurpose Hall Batu 15 at 9:00am, greeted with warm welcomes and a hearty breakfast before we heat up the stove for cooking. Then, we were further briefed of what exactly is our task and who are our team mates. There were generally 5 teams making 5 types of delicacy, dodol, rendang chicken, rendang daging, lemang & ketupat. However, for both the rendang chicken and daging, there were sub groups preparing the ingredients. For example, the group preparing the onions and the group who had to clean the beef and chicken. Well, you can’t cook it straight away, they are freshly made, thus need cleaning.

When architecture meets ketupat
Helping the other groups to clean the meat
How to wash rice for 100 people lesson
In the process, not only to get things done faster with extra hands, we did learned something new for ourselves. It was an experience that we would not have in our daily city life. 

As time passed, Encik Fauzi, our Dodol making master arrived at 11:00am with the biggest wok we have ever seen in our entire life. It is known as "Kawah" in Bahasa which literally translate to crater in English. The kawah rest on top of with a make shift stove made from steel rims and angles. 

The kawah to cook for the whole village. They were 3 of them.
The makeshift stove
Once, the stove has been set up by En. Fauzi, the cooking begins !

Firstly, he explained to us about the ingredients to make dodol and what to expect from making dodol. Continuous stirring for 5 hours. 

The Ingredients for the dodol are :

Tepung Pulut (Glutinous Rice Flour)
Gula Merah ( Brown Sugar)
Santan (Coconut Milk)
Gula Putih (White Sugar)
Air (Water)
Garam (Salt)
Pandan Leaves

and according to En.Fauzi's recipe, he would then add tahi minyak, which is the stir fried coconut oil to darken the colour of the dodol and gives it a more shining looks when it is cooked.
sketch of dodol ingredient and equipments

The following are the steps for making the mouth watering dessert.

Step 1 – Set kawah in placed. Pour a bucket of water in.

Step 2 – Add in the flour 7 packs of 1kg flour. Stir well.

Adding the flour
Flour and water mixture
stirring the mixture until smooth

Step 3 – Start fire. Heat up the ingredient.

Step 4 – In 8 packs, approximately 5 litres of coconut milk.

Adding the coconut milk. smells good know?
Step 5 – In 6 packs of 500g white sugar.

Step 6 – Continue stirring for 30 mins

En. Fauzi ensuring the mixture is blend smoothly
Step 7 – In liquid brown sugar, approximately 2.5kg.  add Pandan leaves.

Liquid brown sugar
Yes, we are making dodol. Not coffee latte.
Step 8 – add in tahi minyak for greasiness texture and shining outlook.

Step 9 – Keep stirring for 4 hours. Yes, continuously stirring for 4 hours.

In the process of stirring the dodol, it gets thicker and harder to stir. When sugar is added, the dodol becomes soft again and we need to stir until it hardens again. This process repeats every time a new ingredient is added. The purpose of the continuous stirring is to ensure that the bottom part does not burnt and to ensure the entire mixture is cooked evenly. Pausing in between will only cause the dodol mixture to be burnt, spoiling its taste and aroma. Therefore, it is a hard work and requires a lot of patience to ensure the delicacy is cooked to perfection. Plus, it requires a lot of strength to stir the dodol, that explains that men are in charge of cooking the dodol. However, that's not always the case.

Stirring dodol is for men? Vivien said "Bring it on"
Howie to Kean Jie - No talking, keep stirring.
Waiting for our turn to stir

Timothy who came and helped out after the dodol gang was exhausted
Whenever you are tired from stirring, you know your friends alway got your back.
And lunch break, taking turns to have lunch.
The dodol is almost harden entirely after 4 hours of stirring.
And its out of the kawah
Using banana tree branch soaked in cooking oil to remove the dodol
Removing the dodol is another hard process due to its high viscosity and stickiness.

Every last bit of the dodol
Voila ! its done !
Moving on was cleaning of the kawah through the usage of grinded coconut powder, the kawah is then allowed to cool down before cleaning.

En. Fauzi, our dodol master
 We would like to express our gratitude to En. Fauzi for such a wonderful experience in making dodol.

Watch this video for 4 hours. That's how we made dodol

Class of Architecture History and Culture 3, July-Nov 2013 with the Dusun Tua committees
All looking handsome and beautifully clad in traditional attires. Baju Melayu for the guys and Baju Kurung for the ladies. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha from all of us !