

In this semester, we will be covering the Malaysian Kampung in attempts to understand the kampung life better. Hence, the purpose of this blog is to analyze the kampung as a whole, on public building and one private malay house.

Working together as a group, we have named ourselves "d Balik Kampung Gang" and will update this blog from time to time as we progressively understand more about Malay village, in the sense of culture, and also architecture.

 This blog will consist of 5 main chapters : 

Chapter 1 The Kampung Life 
Chapter 2 Key Public Building 
Chapter 3 The Malay House 
Chapter 4 Hari Ray At The Kampung 
Chapter 5 Individual Statements 

 Given this opportunity to expand our creativity, as architecture students, we're doing this the sketchy way.


                                            sit back
                                and enjoy 

as u find all the fun filled sketches, diagrams and interesting stories, :) 
come experience the malay village through our eyes...

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